Our quality standards start with you!

The satisfaction of our customers is our top priority. If you are satisfied, so can we. As a company operating across Europe, we are therefore always looking for competitive, creative suppliers from different markets and industries. It is important to us that you

  • have a quality system in accordance with DIN ISO 9001 or comparable
  • comply with the valid REACH, RoHS and packaging regulations
  • have the same demands in terms of profitability, delivery capability, quality, flexibility and willingness to innovate like we and our customers
  • offer competitive services at world market prices and delivery conditions

Generally required raw materials:

Thermoplastic elastomers TPU / TPC / TPS / TPV (1 A primary goods, NT goods, off-grade, regrind or clean production rejects)

Production rejects from your ongoing production (shredding and grinding by us)

Grinding materials colorful - always pure - no impurities (wood and other foreign substances)

Natural regrind – mixed feed granules – natural compound

Generally required operating materials / additives

  • Additives (e.g. black masterbatch, mold release additives)
  • Packaging materials -> PE plastic valve box bags & octabiner in neutral or printed with a PolyTherm emblem

Would you like to introduce yourself as a supplier to PolyTherm? Then contact us:

We look forward to your product portfolio and a possible cooperation.